trūRapid FIV/FeLV

trūRapid FIV/FeLV Detection

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Antibody Test
Feline Leukemia Virus Antigen Test

Now Available!

  • Convenient Sample Options

    Cassette accepts anti-coagulated whole blood, serum or plasma.

  • Easy Inventory Management

    Up to one year of shelf life with no refrigeration needed.

  • Simple 3-Step Process

    Easy-to-use cassettes. Add sample, add buffer then read results. No need to snap.

  • Proven Reliable

    Excellent specificity and sensitivity.

  • FeLV Antigen Test Availability!

    Need FeLV as a stand alone testing strategy? Let us know at LEARN MORE!

  • Tests in the Pipeline

    HW/Lyme, FOUR (Heartworm, Ehrlichia spp., Anaplasma spp., Borrelia burgdorferi), Giardia duodenalis (antigen), & Canine Parvovirus.

Introducing Heska® trūRapid™ FIV/FeLV

Part of the latest point-of-care infectious disease testing developed for all practices.

Created for Every Practice

Everything you need with accuracy, reliability, speed and ease-of-use.

A Preventative Tool

Utilize trūRapid FIV/FeLV Tests as part of your prevention program, to keep your patients healthy and clients happy.

Simple Inventory Management

Product has up to 1 year shelf life with no refrigeration needed.

Technical Details & Downloads

FIV and FeLV are two of the most common feline viruses.

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) are significant, life-threatening viruses commonly afflicting cats across the globe. In the United states, FeLV is thought to affect between 2 and 3% of all cats. Meanwhile, FIV affects approximately 2.5-5% of all healthy cats and 15% or more of cats that are sick or considered to be higher risk. 

Both of these viruses are known to cause a variety of significant blood disorders and immune dysfunctions. And although illness presentation can vary, both viruses have the potential to greatly impact quality of life and can even result in different forms of feline neoplasia. In fact, it has been shown that cancer may be up to five times more common in FIV-infected cats when compared to non-infected cats, and FeLV is currently the most common cause of neoplasia in cats. 

At present, there is no cure for FIV or FeLV. Treatment consists of monitoring for secondary illnesses, and addressing them as they arise. Regular and accurate screening for both FIV and FeLV is critical for early diagnosis and the segregation/treatment of infected animals. The earlier infection is detected, the sooner the affected cats can be separated from the healthy population and placed on a monitoring protocol. And excitingly, it has been shown that with early detection and disease management, cats infected with FIV alone have the potential to live an average lifespan.

Don’t wait for your feline patients to get to advanced stages of these fatal diseases. Heska’s trūRapid FIV/FeLV is the latest point-of-care infectious disease test developed for all practices. By using lateral flow technology to test for FIV antibodies and FeLV antigen, trūRapid FIV/FeLV brings convenient and accurate feline viral testing to veterinary practitioners. Not only does it have excellent sensitivity and specificity, but the Heska trūRapid FIV test shows exceptional ability at differentiating between FIV-vaccinated and FIV-infected cats.

Identification and segregation of FIV and FeLV in infected animals remains one of the most important tactics for control of these contagious and deadly diseases. And early identification is imperative for effective monitoring and treatment regimen. Utilize Heska FIV/FeLV test as a part of your prevention program and provide gold-standard diagnostics to keep your feline patients healthy and clients happy.


Easy POC Testing Process:


Heartworm 3-step process


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