Day/Time: February 24, 2022 @ 8:00 PM CET / 2:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM PT
Presenter: Jenna Dockweiler, MS, DVM, DACT, CCRT, CVAT
Canine breeding management can be challenging. What timelines, clinical signs, and diagnostic tests should veterinarians be familiar with? What do you do when presented with a dystocia or breeds predisposed to complications? Join us for this FREE 1-hr webinar presented by Jenna Dockweiler, MS, DVM, DACT, CCRT, CVAT. Dr. Dockweiler will walk us through canine breeding management from start to finish, starting with breeding candidacy evaluation and finishing at parturition. Learn about artificial insemination, diagnostic tests, medical and surgical interventions, and more!