In-Person CE Event Registration

JOIN US for this In-Person CE Event:
Benefits of Pre-Anesthetic Assessment for the Patient and your Practice

When: August 4th, 2021, starting at 6:30 PM MT

6:30-7:00 PM: Welcome Reception (Appetizers and Beverages will be served)
7:00-8:00 PM: Presentation by Dr. Khursheed Mama, Diplomate ACVAA
8:00-8:30 PM: Relax and Socialize!

Where: Upslope Brewing Company Flatiron Park Tap Room
1898 S Flatiron Ct, Boulder, CO 80301

Presentation Details:

Learn how to improve anesthesia management and patient outcomes while having a positive impact on your practice.
Dr. Khursheed Mama, a board certified veterinary anesthesiologist, will share tips on how the pre-anesthesia assessment can shape each patient’s anesthetic plan. From drug choice and monitoring requirements to additional diagnostics and post-operative care, improve outcomes both in the short and long term for your patient. Dr. Mama’s case based approach will give you real world scenarios, arming your entire team with the knowledge to be better prepared for the unexpected.

Learn how to leverage all the tools you can including:

This program has been approved for 1 hour of continuing education credit in jurisdictions which recognize RACE approval.