Francesco Cian, DVM, DECVCP, FRCPath, MRCVS
Dr. Cian qualified from University of Padua (Italy) with a DVM in 2006. He spent the next 4 years in small animal practice. In 2010, he started a residency program in Clinical Pathology at the University of Cambridge, which he finished in 2013 attaining both an ECVCP and FRCPath diploma. Francesco joined the Animal Health Trust in 2013 as Head of Clinical Pathology, and from September 2015 works for Battlab.
Dr. Cian has a special interest in lymphoproliferative disorders of dogs and cats and flow cytometry.
He is member of the cytology exam committee of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) and webmaster of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ESVCP) website.
He is author of several publications on peer-reviewed journals and of the cytology chapter of the BSAVA Manual of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (3ed). He is also Editor of the second edition of the book “Veterinary Cytology: Dog, Cat, Horse and Cow: Self-Assessment Color Review”.
Recorded Webinar: Lymphadenomegaly: Demystifying Lymph Node Cytology
Join this webinar for a case-based approach to the evaluation and diagnosis of patients with lymphadenomegaly.
Recorded Webinar: [AU & EU] Oops…I did it again! A guide to some of the most common errors in skin cytology
Cell morphology can be tricky! Learn to gain confidence in your diagnosis.
Recorded Webinar: Oops…I did it again! A guide to some of the most common errors in skin cytology
Cell morphology can be tricky! Learn to gain confidence in your diagnosis.